The recent unrest in Brazil has attracted the attention of the entire world and reminded us of the riots that happened on Jan 6, 2021, in the USA. 

Before the defeat in the general election, Mr. Bolsonaro said he could be defeated only by fraud or rigging in the election.  But the results of the election turned out the opposite, Bolsonaro outrightly rejected the outcome of the election result, which further added fuel to the already aggravated atmosphere,  and the Supporters of Bolsonaro started to develop a camp outside the military headquarters. As his opponent  Lula won the Presidential election, Mr. Bolsonaro called his political rivals,  "thieves and warned of violence if voted out". 
Jan 1,  was the date set for the elevation of Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva as a new head of state,  the Supporters of  Bolsonaro stormed the Presidential palace creating a situation of anarchy and lawlessness in the Capital, It attacked democracy.

The mayhem and chaos created by the ardent Supporters of Bolsonaro posed major challenges to the incoming president. It seems that the local police under the rule of Governor Ibanez Rocha, a close ally of Mr. Bolsonaro didn't take enough steps to stop the protester who was invading the palace.

Supreme Court also stepped in ordering the police to clear the camps created outside the Military Headquarters. All the measures taken may not be enough, for the Stability of Brazil. Such kind of crisis related to the election has put to end to maintaining the state of democracy in Brazil.

At last  Mr, Bolsonaro has to accept publicly the defeat in the elections and has to accept the law of land.

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