Has the Ball started rolling, or should we hold our breaths bit more.The recent order by the civil court to conduct a survey in Shahi Idgah Mosque Mathura  has given us a slight indication that the chain reaction has already started, Court had ordered to conduct Survey on the similar basis as it was done in Gyanvapi mosque.

According to petitioner Vishnu Gupta,the Mosque was built on the Birth Place of Lord Krishna on the Order of Aurangzeb in 1669. However the petition was earlier dismissed by the court on the basis of Place Of Worship Act of 1991 which maintains the status quo of any religious place of worship as it was on August 15, 1947.

 If I exactly remember the statement by former Karnataka Deputy CM and BJP MLA Eshwarappa that 36000 temples were destroyed during Mughal period to build mosque. If it come true, it will be an opening to a pandora box, which led to unending contention between two sections of the society and ultimately it may wipe out peace and communal harmony out of this rich and culturally diverse country.

 It should be the outmost responsibility of the executive, judiciary and media to deal such sensitive issue with care so that it may not fume any kind of controversy, violence, choas ,unrest in society ,which may derail the peace process in long term.

With regards

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