The World has to Understand the gravity of atrocities happening in Iran, be it the suppression of masses protesting for the barbaric act done to Massah Amini or the capital Punishment of Mohsen Shekari ,and now Public Execution of Rahanavard Majidreza few day ago.

The message that is given by theocratic ruler is very garve and serious for the entire world, those going against the religious decree will be dealt with iron fist.

The Violation of basic human Rights is cause of concern for the entire world. 

We can't rule out such felonies in near future.

 UNO and other such Peace Organisation have to put pressure on Iranian government to mealt down their inhuman acts against Masses , and to priorities between the basic Human Right, of common masses and the Law of religion.

With regards

Ravinder Kumar Thakur 

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