Unpacking Amit Shah's Claim: Nehru's Legacy and the Jammu and Kashmir reservation, Bill 2023


Pic: Amit Shah in Lok sabha

In a recent session of the Lok Sabha, Union Minister Amit Shah stirred the political pot by attributing the security challenges faced by Jammu and Kashmir over the decades to decisions made during former Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru's tenure. The context was the discussion around the Jammu and Kashmir Reservation Bill, 2023, where Shah pointed to what he considers two significant mistakes made by Nehru.

The Ceasefire Conundrum: 

Shah asserted that Nehru's primary misstep was announcing a ceasefire when Indian forces were on the brink of victory, leading to the creation of Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK). "If the ceasefire had been delayed by merely three days, PoK would have remained a part of India," Shah explained, despite facing strong objections from opposition MPs. This historical perspective, Shah believes, has left a lasting impact on the region's security landscape.

UN Intervention and Its Fallout: 

The Union Minister did not stop at the ceasefire, also blaming Nehru for taking the Kashmir issue to the United Nations. "Another mistake was taking our issue to the UN," Shah emphasized. This move, according to him, complicated the situation and added a layer of international involvement to a complex regional matter.

Congress and the Kashmiri Pandit Exodus: 

Shah did not shy away from holding Congress Party accountable for the exodus of Kashmiri Pandits, suggesting that the incident could have been avoided if not for vote bank politics. This assertion sheds light on the socio-political complexities that have plagued the region for years.

Legislative Reforms for Historical Injustice: 

Despite the controversies, the Lok Sabha approved the Jammu and Kashmir Reorganisation Amendment Bill, aiming to address historical injustices suffered by those deprived of their rights for the past 70 years. The bill includes provisions to designate two members from the Kashmiri migrant community and one representing displaced individuals from PoK to the legislative assembly.

In conclusion, Shah's claims open a window into the intricate history and decisions that have shaped the destiny of Jammu and Kashmir. As the political landscape evolves, it remains to be seen how these historical narratives influence contemporary policies and public perception.

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