Bio -Toilet in Indian Trains

Travelling By train has changed my preconceived notion of less efficient, excessively time-consuming, and below-average management of the Indian Railway. 

I would rather say the Version that  I experienced was much better. I would name It Railway 2.0 which is updated, and far better than its older versions.

Its time of departure was accurate its time of arrival was quite close to the mentioned timing.

Cleanliness and level of Hygiene have improved a lot, there is quick disposal of any grievances or issues related to the convenience of the passenger. Indian Railway has improved a lot in providing the best services to its travelers, but one thing that has attracted my attention was the presence of bio-toilet in every compartment of the train. This might sound new to some of us, but I had heard about this flagship project when it was under trial.

So what is Bio-toilet;  it's an eco-friendly toilet that converts human excreta into water and gases (methane and  CO2). Out of my curiosity, I decided to google it further, so that I can get extra information about it. As a part of the Swacch Bharat mission, the Indian Railway in cooperation with DRDO has introduced bio-toilet in 79269 passenger trains. It's a kind of anaerobic bacteria that prevents the fall of 274000 litres of human excreta on railway tracks every day. This eco-friendly initiative under make in India has ensured not only protect the railway tracts which got corroded by human excreta but also ensure the protection of the environment and as a step towards the achievement of sustainable goals.

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